mY liTtle woRld

dapur adalah satu dunia yang seronok untuk di experiment dan diterokai. ia akan memaksa kita untuk berfikir secara kreatif dan teliti didalam melakukan dan menghasilkan sesuatu produk.

Friday, January 28, 2011

kek coklat kukus

bonjour................... today i make a steam chocolate cake. this recipes is given by best friend a.k.a my ex-roommate during my diploma at uitm dungun.

this is i of my favourite recipe of chocolate cake, because it is moist, delicous and the important part is easy to make it, just like A-B-C.

this cake i made it into a small cup paper, because it is much easier to me to sell (my mother sell nasi lemak in the morning, kedai tepi jalan je.........). furthermore, it look so cute.........

below i had leave the recepi to all of u to try it to, have a nice day.....................

steam chocolate cake

you can put a variety of feeling



4 nos          eggs
1 cup          castor sugar
1 cup          sweetened condensed milk
1 cup          vegetable oil
1 cup          all purpose flour
1 cup          cocoa powder
1 cup          self raising flour
1/2 tsp        soda bicarbonate
1 tsp           baking powder
1 cup          hot water


1. sieve all the dry items, all purpose flour, cocoa powder, self raising flour, soda bicarbonate and baking powder in the bowl.
2. in the other bowl beat together eggs and castor sugar, add in the sweetened condensed milk and vegetable and mix it together.
3. add the sieve item onto the batter.
4. add in  hot water and mix it together.
5. put in the mold or cup paper and steam it until cook.

* for the small sup paper it take 10 -15 minutes to cook.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

mufin oh muffin

akhirnye...................... jadi gak muffin yang saya buat nie, bukan ape selalunye tak jadi tiba2 terjumpe resepi lame mase traning dulu. itu pun terpaksa cari resepi muffin nie sebab ade orang order hehehe..................... anyway saya dh test dh resepi nie memang jadi cantik, gebu lagi lembut. sape-sape yang nak try buat muffin bolehlah amik resepi saya ade tulis kat bawah nie. ok selamat mencuba.........................

varieties of flavor

muffin pandan, muffin cappucino, muffin oren

cantikkan texture die..........



250 gm            butter / margerin
250 gm            castorsugar
5 nos               egg
260 gm            all purpose flour
1 tsp                baking powder
1/2 tsp             baking soda


1.ayakkan bahan kering, all purpose flour, naking powder dan baking soda didalam satu bekas.
2.di dalam satu bekas yang lain pukul butter dan gula castor hingga kembang.
3. letakkan telur, kacau hingga sebati.
4. letakkan bahan kering yang telah ditapis tadi dan kacau sebati.
5. masukkan kedalam acuan kertas (paper cup) dan bakar pada suhu 180 darjah celcius selama 20 - 30 minit, atau sehingga masak.


* sekiranya menggunakan papercup yang lembik (tak keras) letakkan ia didalam bekas tart atau didalam bekas aluminium yang sesuai dengan saiz papercup.
* suhu setiap oven bergantung dengan saiz oven tersebut, walaupun kite dah setting suhu die tetapi suhunya baleh menjadi lebih tinggi atau lebih rendah, jadi sekiranya tinggi turunkan sedikit suhu dan sekiranya rendah , tinggikan sedikit suhu oven anda.

Friday, January 21, 2011

kek gula hangus A.K.A kek sarang semut

ermmm............ sponge, sweet and tasty, customer of my mother always asking this cake. it is because her husband like and for me this cake is very special because of the texture, sponge and have an anthill. this recepi i got from my neighbor, that love to share her recipe with us. Usually i making this cake by using the ring mold. however today i want to make it in the cupcake, because it is more easier to me to sell it to my dear customers. so........... i had been leave the recipe below to my dear blogger follower to try  it and enjoy your cooking..................... bon appetite.

kek sarang semut

erm............. yummy     

kek sarang semut


2 cup         sugar
3 cup         hot water
1 tbsp        majerin
1 drop       vanilla essence
3/4 can      sweetened condensed milk
6 nos         eggs
2tbsp         soda bicarbonate
2 cup         all purpose flour


1. melted the sugar until golden brown or brown, and add the hot water. cook the caramelize sugar (sugar syrup) until the all the sugar dissolve. leave it cold.
2. mix all together majerin, vanilla essence and sweetened condensed milk in the bowl.
3. add egg and bit it together.
4. add sifted of soda bicarbonate and all purpose flour in the batter.
5. add the caramelized sugar (sugar syrup) in the batter and whisk it.
6. put it in the mold or paper cup and bake at 180 degrees Celsius, 45 minute - 1 hour or until cook

* to ensure doesn't have a lumpy flour sift the batter before put in the mold and bake it.